Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Exclude classes implemented by GWT and use our own implementation.

Exclude classes implemented by GWT and use our own implementation.

GWT projects can be organized in a variety of ways. In this section we are describing how to override one package implementation with another, specially on overriding implementation of GWT package. 
The <super-source> tag instructs the compiler to "re-root" a source path.

Let us explain with a simple example,

consider you want to replace some classes in gwt, let us say classes in package, also when you use JSONParser of GWT json it shoul create instance of JSONValue of you implementation. To do this all you have to go through simple steps:

  1.  Create a project WaterTalks, with package com.water.talks;
  2.  Create your implementations in a similer package as in GWT, in this case create a package in you project source folder and place your implementatinos inside it.
  3.  Place your package inside com.water.talks.myImplementation, ensure not to change the package name in classes to new package name. Even if it show error never mind
  4.  Now in gwt.xml file in com.water.talks, insert a tag <super-source path="myImplementation" /> not that path in tag is the package in which you added you implementation.

Thats all, now when gwt compiles it will look for classes you implemented first before it looks for its own implementation.
A small tip, when you add files from other projects add it as a gwt project, by creating gwt.xmlfile inside it and ineriting that module.

Thanks :)

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